ez006683@chip.ucdavis.edu (Daniel D. Todd) writes:
>Derek Wills (oo7@astro.as.utexas.edu) wrote:
>: Because when you are shipwrecked and have built your CW radio transmitter
>: out of coconuts and paper clips, you won't be able to decode any messages
>: received in response to your distress call. You have to know whether
>: someone is saying "Ship will be there in 2 days", "pse QSY have been on
>: this freq for last 10 hrs", or "599 TX qsl via buro, QRZ?"
>Perhaps we should just lobby the FCC to change the law so that any
>amateurs who pass the code elements with a keyboard be required to be
>able to homebrew a typewriter to get their license.
>ps. If the professor was a Ham "Gilligan's Island" would have lasted only
>three episodes. (unless he was a no-code :-)
But, *our* perfesser *is* a Ham, and professes to know his code, no
However, I think Prof. Dr. Derek is confusing varieties of home-brews.
The young shoots of the coconut palm make mighty fine "home-brew," but
of the spirits kind, that is. Folks in the South Indian and Malayan
Peninsulas call it Toddy.
A few chugs of that home-brew later, the sea gulls on your deserted
island will all appear to be saying "CQ dah-dit-dididit-dah" to you!
Kok "CQD" Chen, AA6TY kchen@apple.com
Apple Computer, Inc.
Date: 11 Mar 1994 17:56:36 GMT
From: meaddata!ruthy@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Dayton parking
To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
In article <2ke42t$144@transfer.stratus.com>, fms@sw.stratus.com (Faith Senie) writes:
|> Last year at Dayton, we were staying at the Radisson (with the rest of the
|> RTTY types!). After an afternoon of wandering around the show, I had myself
|> a craving for a bit of orange juice. I'd have ordered from room service, but
|> I wasn't about to pay that kind of money for simple OJ. I checked at the
|> gas station right there at the Radisson -- no luck. I asked at the front desk
|> if there was some place I could go. They suggested a mall down the street.
|> Having no car, I asked them if the mall was within walking distance. Their answer
|> was to strongly suggest that I NOT walk along the road, no matter how far I
|> was going, because the road was DANGEROUS. Of course, I DID end up walking along
|> the road -- across the street and down to the convenience store a half-block down.
|> No death or dismemberment, but it wasn't a good time, either (no sidewalk except
|> across the I-75 bridge, rushing traffic, etc.)...
|> I'm personally hoping that the Radisson is going to be running shuttles to the
|> show, because I don't relish sitting in the traffic jam (which happened last
|> year, even with loaded busses) for an hour or more in a Standard-Shift vehicle,
|> and it's WAAAAAY too far from the Radisson to walk, even if the road wasn't
|> 'DANGEROUS', as the folks at the Radisson claim.
Of course, Faith, dangerous here in Dayton, Ohio may be a little different than some other folk's view of dangerous. Downtown Dayton is pretty highly patrolled, just don't cross over 75 to the west (that tends to be a high crime area for us). I thought shuttles ran from one of the downtown hotels (Stouffers maybe?). Perhaps another Daytonian subscriber knows more, but I'll try to find out for you.
Until then, I'm looking forward to showing "y'all" some Dayton hospitality!
|> 73 de Faith "It's HOW far???" N1JIT
|> --
|> Faith M. Senie InterNet: fms@vos.stratus.com
|> Stratus Computer, Inc. InterNet: fms@hoop.sw.stratus.com